I'll give you my heart.

I'll give you my heart.

Monday, 25 October 2010


I guess I should start off with an introduction or something to that effect. So here goes. <3

I am Ella. That is all. Just Simply Ella. I am nothing more nor anything less than that. I wouldn't change who I am for the world.

Carol Ann. My middle names. I wear them with pride and honour. My Auntie's name. My Auntie who I never got to meet because Cancer had other plans. I would like to think she is watching us all and that I am doing her proud.

If I put in my best effort and try my hardest...maybe just maybe, things will be ok. :) Slowly but surely, I'm making my way. Someday, I will get to exactly where I want to be...where that is...I haven't decided yet. I guess I'll just go where ever my path leads me.

My Music is what really keeps me going here. I love my guitar more than like anything else I own. He is my escape...and yes he is male. Don't ask.

I have the most amazing family. My Mum who knows what to do when I need her and how to make laugh when I really don't even want to smile. My Daddy who is my hero. One day, I want to be just as brilliant as he is. My big brother who never fails to make me giggle...even if he does bully me, hehe. My big sister who is absolutely fantaaastic. She is so beautiful and she helps me so that I can maybe be as pretty as she is. My little sister who is just bonkers...she is crazy...but I wouldn't want her any other way. Last but definitely not least, my little brother. He lights up my day just by smiling. He is the best one year old ever and his chuckle is the most beautiful sound I have ever heard.

On top of that, I have the rest of our perfectly mad family. All my cousins and my auntie and my uncle and ahhh...we just rule. (:

My Nana is such a fighter...she never lets anything knock her down. I mean, she broke her wrist and still managed to make us cakes! Hehe. I wish I could be as strong as her.

I don't know what I would do without my Grandad. He is an inspiration for all the things he does. He is amazing. Despite his bad knees, he always has a smile on his face and that makes me happy. His hugs make everything better and his bad jokes make me giggle. Hehe. He gives us all everything he can.

I am proud to come from such a fantastic family.

I have a limited vocabulary...so I probably use the word "amazing" and "fantastic" more than I should...but I can not think of any other adjectives.

No words can quite describe how I feel when we are all together. I guess...happy will have to do.

My friends are...different. Hehe. Unique. :)

Pippa and I have been best friends since the Elephant in a hat knows. Sometimes I actually wonder if we share the same brain...then I remember that is impossible and tell myself to shut up. She is probably the only reason I go to ICT and English...and as much as I love Maths...it wouldn't be the same without her there next to me. We could make a whole book on all our injokes and our made up words...but why would I want to do that? She is the best friend anyone could wish for. She laughs at all my lame and rubbish jokes (probably just to make me feel good). We sit with each other every lunch and in all the lessons we have together...there is never ever a boring second because whether we are laughing our heads off or just sat talking...I am happy. (: She is there for me when ever I need her and that is why I don't think I would survive without her. (If you are reading this Pippa, Tangerine, Pumpkin...we have an orange theme don't we? Anyways I love youu :P)

Hayley. Now I haven't known her for too long. But we still compliment each other like colours. Sorry. PlayRadioPlay moment. She'll understand. Anyways. Hayley is amazing and I am missing her at the moment because she is away but when she comes back, we will have to have one of our talks...which go on for hours...about life, boys, school...anything. I can talk to her about anything. I know that she won't judge me if what I say is bad and I know that she will be happy for me if it is good. She makes me laugh. She makes me smile. She is just awesome. :)

TIM. Timothy. Haha. I don't care what anyone says about Tim. He is brilliant. He can tell when I am upset just by the way I text and he knows exactly what to say to make everything better. HE DOES NOT FANCY HIS SISTER. Sorry. Thought I would just get that in there. He lives 325 miles away but somehow that doesn't seem so far. I talk to him everyday, whether that be on the phone, by text, on facebook...somehow he will talk to me. It makes me happy. Hehe. He is the sweetest thing since erm something which is sweet. He is ever ever ever ever so nice and I love him very much...even if he does mock me...Haha.

Ben is awesomesaucey. Even though I have only actually been talking to him properly for what like a month...I think I can consider him quite the amazing friend. He is always there for me and I can just talk to him about anything. He makes me laugh. He lets me wear his frankly incredible (haven't used that adjective yet) hat to keep me warm. Er ist sehr sehr sehr sehr nett und lustig. (GERMAN)

I am sorry. I am rambling on about things which will bore your little brains...or big brains...I don't want to insult anyone here.

Basically. My life is pretty super duper...as long as my family and friends are here with me. :)


That is all <3 Peace.


  1. Lovely...you are fantastic and amazing....who needs more adjectives than that! xxxx

  2. I Love your blog Ella, your such a sweetheart and a good writer, wish i could put my thoughts into words as well as you do :) x

  3. Thankyou ella you are awesome. Oh no now i'm using awesom to much ahh i just said it again ahhhhhhh!!!
